Saturday, June 21, 2008

Under the weather today

I've been sick today. I woke with a really bad sinus headache. I've done everything I can think of to get rid of it. I took my fioricet and sudafed, then I used my flonase and a saline spray. Nothing! I'm so exhaused from the medication but I cannot sleep and my headache is still around. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my doctor this week. Hopefully, he'll give me some levaquin which is pretty much the only antibiotic that works for me.
I had so much I wanted to do today. I needed to get my car cleaned and return some items to the outlet mall up the road. Me and Paco were going to take the Oahu Hummer tour too; see Most likely I'll be able to go next Saturday. Not going today was very disappointing though.


roseterry said...

Please read the fine print on Levaquin before you take them, look at the side effects, their are many of us who have had horrible side-effects with permanent damage... RT

Candy said...

Thank you Rose. I've been taking Levaquin for years, but have recently read about the terrible side effects. I think I might stick to Augmentin now.