Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Success Principles

I've been wanting to read and apply the concept of The Success Principles to my life for quite some time now and I think it's about time I actually dove into the book to see if I can figure out what's wrong with me. I used to be so happy, but now, I'm not only unhappy, I'm lonely and depressed also. I need a life altering event to pull me out of this funk. A nice man would be great, but it's not looking too good for me there. I guess my dating days are over now that I'm older. It's not that I'm extremely unattractive. Yes, I could stand to loose a little weight but I'm not a true bow wow. It's just that all the guys my age want to be with 20 something little girls (by the way guys-that's really creepy-it's like sleeping with your daughter).
So, I've pulled the book out, dusted it off, and am now starting to read it. I've only gotten through the first Chapter, but so far so good. I think I'll like doing the "homework" that goes along with the book.
In case you're not familiar with The Success Principles; it's written by Jack Canfield, one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul authors. By the way, I now know how he came up with the Chicken Soup name. I think if I tell all of you here how my progression is going, I'll be more likely to actually progress instead of procrastinate. I'll keep you informed of my progress and in return can I ask of you to help me stay on track?

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